Monday, November 8, 2010

Midnight release

Waiting in line for call of duty black ops. Midnight release at gamestop by my house, 91st ave and northern. Gotta love the weather, cold, which is expected for a day in early November. It's supposed to be in the 70s all week here in Phoenix. Not sure about nights bit I would venture to say at least a 20-30 degree change from the days. I'm about 50th in line for this game. A good turnout for the line. I made sure to pickup some food before I got to gamestop. Just wished the line after the store closed at 9 moved faster. But that just makes it closer to midnight I guess. Wish I could remember to put a chair in the trunk of my car. It's a much needed tool for my life. We have so many chairs might as well keep one with me at all times.

Anyways I'm glad I have access to netflix on my phone. Been watching eureka while I've been in line. It's a little dark for reading my current book, the lost symbol, but I work tomorrow morning anyway so I will read it during the day at wallaby instead. Joel needs to hurry his but over cuz I'm cold and need my blanket or at least a hot beverage. Well I'll try and write again and give a quick review of the game.

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