Sorry that was the first thing I bought of. I just need to eat before heading to practice tonight. Anyways so earlier in the year we got paid by dean for the racers photos stuff we have done. I've sold zilch but developed a good relationship with one of the Porsche guys so I got about $50 for my time from dean. Like almost 6 months later I have finally spent that money (mainly cause it was in my paypal account). I almost forgot about it except that I've been looking at stuff to buy, thank you holidays...
Anyways I got some elinchrom flash transmitter/receiver so it should be easier for me to strobe my flash fro
A nicer distance. Now all I need to complete this is a hotshoe sync so I can fire my canon flash, or since my 580 flash is almost gone I may just invest in a cheaper nikon flash since all I have to do is plug and play (also receiving a bunch of cords with units) maybe Ivan get my 580 fixed? Only and biggest problem is that the plastics are broke near the flash head where it rotates.
Also have been thinking about upgrading my camera from a 1d mkII to a mkIII. I can also get back about $1k dollars when I sell off my unused equipment and te mkII. Idk what I'm waiting for but I guess I need just the right camera and price to unload onto my credit card.
Well guess I'll pay attention to my ride on the lightrail again. I think we're getting close to my stop.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
Midnight release
Waiting in line for call of duty black ops. Midnight release at gamestop by my house, 91st ave and northern. Gotta love the weather, cold, which is expected for a day in early November. It's supposed to be in the 70s all week here in Phoenix. Not sure about nights bit I would venture to say at least a 20-30 degree change from the days. I'm about 50th in line for this game. A good turnout for the line. I made sure to pickup some food before I got to gamestop. Just wished the line after the store closed at 9 moved faster. But that just makes it closer to midnight I guess. Wish I could remember to put a chair in the trunk of my car. It's a much needed tool for my life. We have so many chairs might as well keep one with me at all times.
Anyways I'm glad I have access to netflix on my phone. Been watching eureka while I've been in line. It's a little dark for reading my current book, the lost symbol, but I work tomorrow morning anyway so I will read it during the day at wallaby instead. Joel needs to hurry his but over cuz I'm cold and need my blanket or at least a hot beverage. Well I'll try and write again and give a quick review of the game.
Anyways I'm glad I have access to netflix on my phone. Been watching eureka while I've been in line. It's a little dark for reading my current book, the lost symbol, but I work tomorrow morning anyway so I will read it during the day at wallaby instead. Joel needs to hurry his but over cuz I'm cold and need my blanket or at least a hot beverage. Well I'll try and write again and give a quick review of the game.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
True American?
This man is amazing. He is standing up for what he believes is the right thing. He is helping Arizona and their new law, the 1070 bill, and making a stand. He has seen another state trying to boycott another, and he is doing something about it. He has implemented his own boycott against the State of California (not the residents).
(taken from his own forum)
"Effective immediately, Paul C. Buff, Inc. will refuse any sales to any governmental agency within the State of California. When a state chooses to boycott the residents and businesses of another sovereign state, I believe it is my responsibility as a business leader to help stimulate a measured response on behalf of those damaged as a result."
Seeing as how I am from AZ you can see my biased sense. But what I think he is doing, is something that few people would actually do. He is also a concerned citizen of this country of ours. I believe this guy has actually read the immigration bill and what it is doing for this state.
What was nice too was some of the facts he wrote on his post about the State of California. They were not ones people would like to hear but he wrote that he got them from the L.A. Times. wish he wrote more on when and how he got the info but it fueled the fire for what he was writing.
You can find more information on what he wrote here:
Another thing I love from reading his post, was the fact that he is willing to also help us Arizonans out by giving us an additional discount on his items. 5% isn't much but it is something when you start buying a lot.
So before I finish here I just have one more thing to say...okay maybe two. Read his posting. From top to bottom, read the posting. And then if you have more time actually read the bill about the immigration laws. senate bill 1070.
We're doing our part in trying to enforce federal law since the government isn't doing so. Why can't we take action upon ourselves to do what's already available for the government?
Thursday, March 11, 2010
St James Festival
So I have a festival coming up for my church and I was asked to help out again with the PR for the event. I want nothing more than to help my church with this event. I'm already helping out with whatever the youth group does so hopefully helping this time again with the PR I can make this event even more successful. I got to make a quick half page flier. let me know what you folks think.

also got to work with the giraffes just the other day. Here's an old photo I took from last week.

and lastly I just want to add an iphone photo I took of eric byrnes at coffee shop that I was just at

Oh, I do want to mention that I finally surpassed the milestone of a mile on the treadmill today. It's been a long long time since I've been able to run/walk that amount. Lately my left knee/shin kept acting up and would not let me finish my run. Trying to get back into the shape I was prior to my surgery is definitely going to be harder than I thought...
Well, have a great weekend everybody!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
In need
I think I'm in need of something positive to happen in my life. Too many "negative" things happening lately. I'm using the term negative loosely because they are things that I could not have changed. Things will happen in life for a reason and I trust in Him to have that great reason. I just hope that when my turn comes, I will have at least experienced true love at least once. I'm still missing lots of other things in my life right now but I hope to have that happiness within my heart just once. That's all I ask.
Because of work I have seen plenty of children smile. So many adorable smiles have passed through my life lately. I'm glad they have all passed my way. I hope someday to have a child of my own that I can make smile the way these other babies are smiling at me...
I guess thinking back, I already have many positive things happen in my life. I don't need more than can't handle. There are probably others who need the positives in their lives. Or at least for those negative Nancy's to look past the bad and appreciate the good we have.
anyways, I have set up a random questionnaire thingy...go have fun at my expense, but keep it clean please :-)
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Been busy Lately
So I'm gonna try and write this as I edit some photos and hopefully I can post some at the end...if i can figure out how to get the pics in the bottom of the posts...
So, I got to see some of the USA Mens National Volleyball team this past weekend. They were having a clinic held at my old high school DVHS. One of my friends I played with is part of the staff there now. Pretty cool stuff. He brought the head coach and the assistant coach as well as a couple players. It was a long weekend but well worth the time. I learned a lot about guys hs volleyball. Hope I can translate some of that stuff to work for girls hs vball.

photo above: USA Mens Head Coach Alan Knipe giving instructions on a drill to kids in the clinic.
So yeah, volleyball has taken up my life again. It's making me happy. I get to stay around a sport that I really love. I'm just assisting the team but also helping out quite a bit as an assistant. Just nice I can do my part to helping pass on this sport. Maybe this will be something I can do at a university in the near future? I still gotta get better as a coach.
Work so far, at the zoo, has been fun. I really enjoy enlightening all the people I come across as well as my coworkers. They truly make my days at work worth while. I got to work Monkey Village today and was able to bring my camera for some shots. Was originally going to take shots at the giraffe deck but I didn't get to go :-( so here are some monkey photos instead!

Saturday, January 9, 2010
I should be asleep...
But instead I'm updating. Wish I could remember what I said last so I don't repeat myself.
Anyways, work at the zoo is awesome. I don't mind working so many hours but then that leaves me with very little time for other things that I may need to do. I also coach club volleyball Monday and Wednesday nights with a couple tournaments on some weekends. My goal for this season is to help improve the girls decision making and to think ahead. They know how to play, they just need to work more on making the right decisions during game times. Oh, and excited. We have our first "tournament" this Saturday, or I should say today.
I was asked a question this past Wednesday..."What are my goals for this year?". What a great question. I think I'll answer that in my next post. Anyone have an idea of what I am going to say? Have any ideas of what I should say? :-P
Oh, so I want an iphone 3gs. I already have the iphone edge phone. But I want to upgrade. Yet at the same time I want to get contacts again. I miss wearing contacts but I don't have insurance for it at the moment...Which do I get?!? I did find this:
Find the best cell phone plans and more graphics at
Now this didn't help me much with my decision...ideas? thoughts? I want to see, yet at the same time I want a smartphone that keeps up with me.
Eh, I will ponder this more when i get some decent sleep. Was just told that we're getting Mike and Rhondas in the AM. time to sleep so I can eat some good breakfast in the morning with the brother.
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