Saturday, October 1, 2011

Big Update!

Sorry for all this delay. been quite busy.

Let's see, what's new is that I am now a certified teacher. technically I'm good for only a year but I gotta take one class then I'm good for two more years then I can finish 12 more credits and then I'm good for so many more years after that.

I'm enjoying teaching a lot. The kids are...interesting. check out my flickr for some of my photo updates.

But been using instagram for a lot of photo updates. a lot of fun using that app and also seeing what other people post.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

A new year

So I'm actually updating this from an iPad. Very cool. I really want one! But no, I need to save my money because of these surgeries I am having.

Speaking of, I just got one done for my knee. I had meniscus repairs and a bone graft, because my tunnel from lifeblood surgery is too large (16mm) so they filled it in with cadaver bone (to 10mm). And they also took out some hardware which I interpret as them taking out the screws in my knee which just means I can now go through a metal detector at like the airport and not set itr off again. Yes, again. I have done it twice last june when my mom and I went to San francisco for her reunion. (should have explored the ity and rented a smart car).

I just went through our first but unofficial tournament with our 14r2 team. We have such a good group I can't wait to see how well we perform. But for not we know we have lots to fix before we head out for some real tournaments. First one will be in two weeks time.

Typing on this iPad is actually kinda difficult since it's not a true keyboard. I need a real keyboard if I want to fly through this post.

Anyways, I am gonna go back to my book one. Hope you have enjoyed my randomness.